Friday, 25 May 2012

USA Trip 2012 - The Hollywood Wagon's Ready To Go

The new 'Hollywood Wagon' has been delivered to Dallas and is ready for us to pick up.   We leave on Sunday the 27th of May, and due to us crossing the International Date Line, we arrive in Dallas/Fort Worth at about 1.45 pm the same day.   Then the fun begins.


  1. Are you all going to fit in here Pete? I'd shotgun the front seat now if I were you.

    Love the blog, can't wait to hear all about your manly travels. Safe trip to everyone x

  2. Thanks for that. We're also hiring one car in Dallas and then pick up another in New Orleans.

  3. Jeffsy looks awesome! Top job on the blog I'll be checking up daily on the MANVENTURE!

    Steve M!

  4. We need pictures of people too please.
